Category Fitness

Time for Golf!

Golf is a popular sport that has picked up more interest from women and children. Courses are full of experienced and new players, all trying to get in a round of golf in the sunshine. There are benefits to playing…

Jump Jump Jump Rope

Remember jumping rope outside when you were a kid? Did you know it is a piece of fitness equipment? In fact, it is considered one of the original, most effective, fat-burning routines! Boxers use rope jumping for conditioning cardio. We…

Blood Pressure Check?

Do you check your blood pressure? Know what your reading should be? Generally speaking, there is a gray area between normal (under 120/80 mm Hg) and high (over 139/89 mm Hg). We need to be careful since this range has…

Summer Shoulders

As we work on toning up our bodies and create the ideal image we want, sometimes we forget about our shoulders. We focus so much on having abs appear or producing perfect legs instead of realizing that the shoulders are…

Post Workout Recovery Foods

There are ways to combine foods that help you speed up recovery and increase your energy in those workouts. The food you are eating postworkout can help you. The following foods can aid your muscle repair. Leafy Greens like spinach…

The Battle Rope Work

If you have not yet experienced the burn from a battle rope workout, you have missed out on a fun, exciting way to burn some calories. Many gyms now have them and avid weight workouts have started to include battle…