Category General

Pumpkin Recipe Roundup

For many years when you thought about pumpkins the everyday things that would pop up would be fall, Halloween, and pumpkin patch fun. If you asked about pumpkin recipes, many people would name pumpkin pie or pumpkin seeds. The recent…

Fighting Inflammation

Inflammation in smaller amounts is good for the body, but when it turns into happening repeatedly, it can affect your mood at the very least. Fatigue can also set in fast when you have an immune system that is chronically…

Grilling Ideas for the Fall

Even though the seasons are changing, there is still plenty of time for grilling. Great times outside with family and friends at a picnic table make many memories. Cooking with your grill saves you using the stove in the house and also…

The 411 on Cooking Oils

If you look in the grocery store, there are many different kinds of oils. Cooking with healthy recipes often mention oils that you may not have at home. It is important to get the low down on some of the…

Trail Run Warm Up

Trail running is done on uneven surfaces, so it is important to have a routine in place to work your muscles before setting off on the run. Having a pattern of exercises will increase flexibility and strength, enhance flexibility, raise…

Climbing to New Fitness Levels

There is an old saying, “Work smarter, not harder.” But when it comes to fitness and getting in shape, shouldn’t we work hard? Well, what if you could work harder but for less time and see amazing benefits. Climbing stairs…

Using Obstacles to Improve Workouts

There are plenty of obstacles in our everyday life as well as in regards to our fitness lifestyle. Roadblocks and barriers are lurking around every corner trying to prevent us from reaching our goals. It may be fast food, or…

Punch Your Way to Your Goals

Many gyms across the country have some form of heavy bag or punching bag. Many of us ignore this equipment either from a nervousness stand point or from not knowing how it could help us. If you are worried about…

Flower Power

Flowers are not only pretty colors in nature that you get to experience. There are many people that love flowers because they are edible. Not every flower can be eaten though, as some are toxic. But with some know how,…