Category General

Manage Time to Exercise

If you ever found yourself wishing there were more hours in the day, you are not alone. Are you overwhelmed because your to-do list continues to grow steadily? Do you feel like it is nearly impossible to make time for…


2022 is upon us. A lot has happened the last two years. Are you all ready for this? Do you have any goals planned out? Here are a few tips to set those goals. Goals A great habit is to…

Resolution Time

The new year is almost here. It is resolution time. Are you ready this year? Is this the year that you are going to make those goals? Or are you the one that makes them year after year? What exactly…

Stress Less Holiday Meals

Stress Less Holiday Meals Hosting holiday meals takes a lot of steps with menus, food preparation, and last-minute changes that always happen. It can all be a bit overwhelming. The chaos of the day can be a little less stressful…

Supermarket Secrets

Supermarket shoppers need to be able to get in and out of the store and know what they are doing. You may be like most people who are juggling life and need to stop at the store. Why not learn…

Stalk Celery

Celery may be underrated by many. Did you know that celery is from the Apiaceae family, which includes carrots, parsnips, parsley, and celeriac? Celery contains vitamin C, beta carotene, and flavonoids, but there are at least 12 additional kinds of…

Healthy Holiday Habits

The holidays bring on cheer and emotions, and that means finding ways to maintain your health goals would be beneficial. It is much easier to stay at your current weight than loose pounds that may come with the season. Here…

Bok Choy 101

Have a recipe needing bok choy and you are not sure what it is? Are you lost at the store with no idea what it looks like, or what to do with it? Bok Choy The vegetable bok choy is…

The Power of Meditation

Meditation is becoming more popular. The mind can find some peace or quiet through the use of meditation. All too often your thoughts crowd your brain and they increase in size and stay longer especially under stressful times. A good way…

Chair Exercises

We sit because we often have to do that. How many times have you realized that you have been sitting all day? We can take some time and try a few reps of chair exercises. 3 moves that work your…