Category Fitness

Toning Ball Workout

There is fitness work that you can do with a 2-4 lb. toning ball. Do you have one laying around in your gear or at the gym? Might as well include some moves in your daily routine. Here are 3…

Short & Simple Useful Exercises Part 2

As promised, this is the follow up to the last blog. This information helps you on those days when your workout may not quite fit into your schedule. This also aids people who are now easing into doing more exercises…

Angry or Mad Exercising…Don’t Do It

It feels great to “blow off some steam” through exercise. In fact, exercise can be a way to sneak away from hectic days and take your mind off your stresses and problems. Can putting your body through extreme, strenuous exercise…

Hydration Matters

The most common rule to stay hydrated is to drink lots and lots of water. Many say the guideline is to consume eight 8oz glasses, which is also known as the 8×8 rule. While this may be a good baseline…

Obstacles Can Improve Workouts

There are multiple kinds of obstacles in our everyday life as well as in our fitness. Roadblocks and obstacles are hiding around each corner trying to prevent us from reaching our goals. This may include fast food, or sweets, or…

Leg Strength Goals with HIIT

Do you have goals that include leg strength? The secret weapon is being rumored to be the use of two 30-minute HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workouts in place of one 60-minute cardio workout each week for a total of…

SuperSet Anytime & Anywhere Your Workout

A superset is a system of strength training where you move quickly from one exercise to another without taking rest in between them.  Often these are sets of 2 different exercises and a cardio burst. Don’t worry; you can have…

Couples Yoga is a Real Thing

Yoga is powerful and can work with strengthening and lengthening your muscles. But did you know that yoga can also be done with a partner? Couples yoga has been classified as a way to boost your bond with your significant…

Track Workouts

Working out on a track is getting more popular. Head over to the junior high or high school and check out the old gym class area you used to use. Training at a track will give you a change of…

Sandbag Work

Working out with sandbags used to be a football or mixed martial arts thing, but now more than ever, people are filling up a sandbag and making some fitness moves. You can, in fact, often use sandbags instead of weights…