Category Fitness

Ramped Up Workout Tips

Have you ever wondered if there were any lifting tips or tricks that would increase your results and help you tone up faster? There are a few ideas out there that will help to make your strength training more effective.…

Towel Workout Time

What equipment do you need to do a good workout? Weights, resistance bands, or weight machines all come to mind, but what if you don’t have them? You may have an excellent piece of equipment sitting in the folded laundry.…

Running a 5K? What to Have on Hand!

Running a 5k race usually starts earlier in the day. Are you prepared for the after the race? What do you take with you to celebrate? Packing a bag will ease the stress of the day and eliminate you walking…

Plank It!

Planking is a great way to get some exercise in that benefits the whole body. In fact, you are actually working the entire body when you plank because you are defying gravity and suspending yourself up. How to Plank Planking…

Your Canine Running Buddy

More and more you see a dog running along with their owner. Many pups love to run, they are always ready for the adventure, and it is great to spend time with them outside. Here are some tips for you.…

Trail Run Warm Up

Trail running is done on uneven surfaces, so it is important to have a routine in place to work your muscles before setting off on the run. Having a pattern of exercises will increase flexibility and strength, enhance flexibility, raise…

Climbing to New Fitness Levels

There is an old saying, “Work smarter, not harder.” But when it comes to fitness and getting in shape, shouldn’t we work hard? Well, what if you could work harder but for less time and see amazing benefits. Climbing stairs…

Hot Summer Workouts

With the warmer temperatures in the summer, many people like to take their fitness routines outside. But summer also means heat, and there are some tips that you can use to help you stay cool and get summer fit. Running,…

Grab Ahold of the Rope

If you have yet to experience the burn from a battle rope exercise or workout, you have missed out on a fun, exciting way to get big and burn some calories. Many gyms and avid weight lifters have started to…