If you have yet to experience the burn from a battle rope exercise or workout, you have missed out on a fun, exciting way to get big and burn some calories. Many gyms and avid weight lifters have started to invest in the benefits battle ropes can bring to your exercise routine. If you are unaware at what these ropes look like here is an example:
This new piece of equipment is not a fad. It can provide a total body workout and could be just the change in pace your routine needs to keep your muscle groups from becoming stagnate with the same exercises day in and day out.
Using battle ropes on shoulder day is a great way to change up your normal routine and get an intense workout. Having the shoulders lift and lower the rope while staying contracted throughout the entirety of the exercise will strengthen and tone up the muscle group so that you can achieve the sculpted and defined image you are looking for.
Having a tight grip and using wrist and forearms to move the rope up, down, in and out will provide a nice burn to the often-forgotten muscle group. For many, forearms are just mixed into the routine as a bridge to the next exercise or incorporated into our cool down. With battle ropes, the wrist and forearms will be at the center point of the exercise and start to add some serious mass and definition.
Back and Core
When battle rope exercises are done properly, they require good posture around a solid and engaged core. Different exercise motions such as flys or raises with the ropes will target different areas of our back and core muscle groups. Give the ropes a chance and start to see a noticeable change in the size and strength of these important stability muscle groups.