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Summer Shoulders

As we work on toning up our bodies and create the ideal image we want, sometimes we forget about our shoulders. We focus so much on having abs appear or producing perfect legs instead of realizing that the shoulders are…

Post Workout Recovery Foods

There are ways to combine foods that help you speed up recovery and increase your energy in those workouts. The food you are eating postworkout can help you. The following foods can aid your muscle repair. Leafy Greens like spinach…

Daily Self-Love

Self-Love is Important Challenge yourself to love you even more! Can you commit to doing this for you? Based on positive psychology and positive self-talk, these 8 exercises will help you every day. Here are the tasks: Pick a motivational…

Turmeric Talk

Turmeric talk today. How about a good way to spice up your meals with flavor while also having health benefits? It may even be a hidden secret with skincare too. What is Turmeric? Turmeric is a gold-colored spice from the…

Food Prep Time

Prepping those meals for healthy eating can take some time. You need to know what you are making, get the ingredients, and make the food. It all takes time. In the long run, though, you are saving time Prep Time…

Milk Power

Milk is a staple in many homes. But the real question is, do we know about drinking it on a fitness journey? When is the best time to drink it to maximize the muscle gaining potential? Milk is packed with…

Hello 2020 A New Decade!

2020 is here. Ready or not it is upon us. Do you have your goals set? How about a few pointers for a good start this year? Goals A great habit to start doing each new year is to really…