Category General

Healthy Heart Foods

Is there a way to eat healthy for your heart? There are foods that can be eaten that will help with your heart health. Many of these foods you may be eating now, but you will begin to understand why…

Toning Ball Workout

There is fitness work that you can do with a 2-4 lb. toning ball. Do you have one laying around in your gear or at the gym? Might as well include some moves in your daily routine. Here are 3…

Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen 2019

The Environmental Working Group is known to be responsible by creating the list of the most contaminated produce with pesticide residue. Knowing what is on the list each year is helpful to shoppers who seek fruits and vegetables and are…

Eating Skin-Firming Foods

Have you ever wondered if there is a way to eat your way to firmer skin? How would you like to know about 3 different common foods that can help you with this? You will be choosing more of these…

Are You Wild about Mushrooms?

Mushrooms are a dirty vegetable that grow in the ground that are packed with power when you eat them. There are over 1000 kinds of mushrooms and most often at the store you will find common mushrooms. They are rich…

Sushi Statistics

Are you a sushi fan? Think about sushi and what it is: Fish and Raw Veggies. What a great combination that is healthy and clean! But there is more to your sushi meal that can be a cause for control.…

Healthy Heart Lifestyle

Do you think about heart health? Most people think that they will not be the ones that have an issue with heart disease. The hard thing is that you can feel amazing and you could still be at risk. In…

Short & Simple Useful Exercises

Short & Simple Useful Exercises   There are some days when your workout may not fit in your schedule. Or maybe you have not jumped on the bandwagon yet. There are still some easy ways to get in a few simple…

More Dark Chocolate Please

You may be saying “more dark chocolate” more often once you learn these amazing benefits. Dark chocolate has some super powers that can help your health. Dark chocolate comes from the seed of the cocoa tree and is a big…

Coffee Time

Who says “Everything is Better with Coffee” and believes it? A lot of people are on a coffee routine that gets them their caffeine fix. Some people make their coffee at home, but many others have a favorite coffee house…