Category General

Kettlebells: A New Best Friend

If you have not had the opportunity to incorporate kettlebells into an exercise routine yet, you could be missing out on an extremely valuable piece of equipment. Great for multiple body parts, kettlebells can be used to modify existing workouts…

Hunt for Fitness

Easter is right around the corner, and while we may have plans on top of plans with family and close ones, our fitness routine does not have to be put on hold. I am sure all of us at some…

Before Bed Snacks

I am sure that we all have been guilty of having a midnight snack once or twice. But what if a little snack before bed isn’t such a bad thing. What if, a snack before hitting the sheets could help…

Get Your Squat On!

Looking to build up those leg muscles? Squats are the way to go!  Squats increase your quadricep, hamstring, and calf muscles, and have also been credited to improve the muscles in your entire body. They are a great beginner exercise…

Strengthening Our Lower Body

We have all seen people at the gym only focusing on their biceps, chest and abs, but completely ignoring their lower body. The internet is full of inside jokes about skipping leg day and people trying to be so big…

March Madness

March is an exciting time for college basketball fans, but we can use this month to prepare us for the quickly approaching spring and summer seasons. Before we know it, we will be ditching our long sleeves and sweatshirts for…

Celebrate National Nutrition Month

How many of us knew that March was National Nutrition Month? While we may not get a break from work and the kids may still have to go to school, let’s celebrate National Nutrition Month by starting or ramping up…

Wall Workout

If you have a wall you have a way to get a workout in! There are many different variations of exercises that can be done using a wall. You do not always need an expansive room or a gym. The…