Category General

Accountability: The Key to Success

Weight loss and transforming our body can be a tough, long journey. It does not happen overnight and can have many ups and occasionally many more downs. We all set out with a goal to hold ourselves accountable, but that isn’t always…

10 Foods That Stimulate Your Metabolism

If you are looking for an extra jump start to shredding some pounds, here are some foods that will help kick-start your metabolism: Avocado Avocados are packed with protein, heart-healthy fatty acids, and all 9 essential amino acids. They are…

Food Tips for Spring Break Travel

So you are going on vacation? Don’t let your Spring Break travel plans interrupt your healthy lifestyle change. Plan ahead and use these simple tips that will help you make the most out of your Spring Break. Remember, if you…

Spring Break Tips

Ready or not, the countdown to spring break has begun. Here are some tips to help you prepare for spring break. Skin Care Be sure to use sunscreen, wear sunglasses, or use a hat to shield yourself from harmful UV…

6 Ways to Improve Flexibility

People who have large gains and do not do things to improve their flexibility are at a greater risk of losing flexibility. Strength training muscles is important when it comes to increasing flexibility. You may think that just because you…

How to Keep Your Body Hydrated

Everyone has heard the common rule to stay hydrated is to drink lots and lots of water. Many say the guideline is to consume 8 glasses of 8 ounces each, or also know as the 8×8 rule. While this may…