Category General

Try Sand Instead of Weights

Now more than ever, people are filling up a sandbag and making some fitness moves. You can often use sandbags instead of weights or kettlebells on some exercises. Playground sand and sandbags are available at Amazon and some sporting goods…


A whole lot of people are saying that they want to eat less sugar. More than half of Americans have said this. Do you think they did? Saying you want to eat less sugar is more manageable than following through…

After Workout Food

Post-workout, your body is still burning calories, so it is important to refuel to increase the afterburn and give nutrients to your body. The combinations of foods that you eat will benefit this process. Combos Specific pairings of foods can…

Cartilage Rebuilding

Cartilage is the connective tissue in your body that keeps joint motion fluid by coating the surfaces of the bones in joints and by cushioning bones against impact. If there is a breakdown, there are some foods that can help…

Weight Workout Tips

Have you ever wondered if there were any lifting tips or tricks that would increase your results and help you tone up faster?  There are a few ideas out there that will help to make your strength training more effective.…

Apricot Talk

Apricots are like a great blend of both plum and peach. You get the sweetness and the tartness with this fantastic fruit that is only 17 calories.  The apricot is full of beta-carotene, and fiber packs a punch of antioxidants…

Paddle Sports Fun

Paddling has become one of the fastest-growing and popular outdoor activities. This paddling can build up your arms and abs and burn up to 320 calories per hour to stroke the paddle. Paddle What? If you are close to an…

Skin-Firming Foods

Can you eat the way to firmer skin? Three different common foods can help you with this. You may be choosing more of these foods when you realize what they can do! Clean Eating Clean eating is eating recipes made…

How Do I Know it is Ripe?

Have you ever returned home from shopping only to see that some of the selections you made from the produce department were mistakes? A few tips on factoring ripeness! Potatoes Did you know that it is essential for you to…

Cuckoo for Coconuts

Coconuts are the fruit of the palm tree. They are not uncommon to some people, but they have jumped on the health food lists everywhere. People are becoming obsessed with using coconuts when they cook at home. There is excitement…