Category Health

Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen 2020

The Environmental Working Group is known to be responsible by creating the list of the most contaminated produce with pesticide residue. Knowing what is on the list each year is helpful to shoppers who seek fruits and vegetables and are…

Radishes May Surprise You

Radishes are a low-calorie veggie option that can spice up your food and make for a healthy crunchy snack. The most common image of radish is the red ball kind that is called Cherry Bomb. There is basically no fat…

Pesto Pronto

How many times have you seen pesto as a fancy Italian restaurant and thought about having it at home? There are ways to have store-bought, but why not make your own! Pesto is quick and easy in a blender or…

Chia Chia!

Do you chia? Chia seeds are full of fiber and a way to get in omega-3 fats. Mixing chia with Greek yogurt and fruit is a very popular way of getting your dose in. This healthy seed expands into a…

Meat Replacement Options 101

Substitutions for meat are expanding with the increasing number of vegan and plant-based eating plans. The standby tofu, which is high in protein and calcium, has been used in chicken, beef, pork, and seafood recipes. Tempeh is another popular one…

Eating and Bulk Buying

Healthy eating is a goal for many of us, but sometimes buying groceries that are fresh and organic also seems expensive, can burst our budget, or are not available.  Trips to the grocery store can add unwarranted stress in our…

Blood Pressure Check?

Do you check your blood pressure? Know what your reading should be? Generally speaking, there is a gray area between normal (under 120/80 mm Hg) and high (over 139/89 mm Hg). We need to be careful since this range has…

Preparing Our Meals

Whether you are making a dinner of chicken breast, beef, or vegetables, the taste may change with how you cook the food. That isn’t the only thing that differs with each cooking method. Grilling, broiling, steaming, and even microwaving provide…