Category Health

Nut Milk 101

Milk from a nut? It was not long ago that Almond milk was the new thing that people were not sure they wanted to try. According to recent reports, sales of almond milk have been skyrocketing by more than 250…

New Year Healthy Day

What if you start saying, “Have a healthy day!”? Usually, we all hear, “Have a good day,” which is nice, but let’s change the game by being specific with some tips to have a healthier day instead. Some Healthy Day…

HIIT Leg Strength

Do you have goals that include leg strength? The secret weapon could be the use of two 30-minute HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) workouts in place of one 60-minute cardio exercise session each week for a total of six weeks. HIIT?…

Bloat Happens

Bloat does happen, and we dislike it. Sometimes we overeat, or that particular female time of the month, and other times, stress throws a wrench in the digestion process. These three things can create a slowing of your system, which…

Stuffed Potato

Baked potatoes don’t have to be just the potato with some butter and sour cream. You can stuff your potato, and that can take the dinner side into a good meal choice for everyone at the table. Potato Power Swap…

Your Post Workout Matters

Having a good workout is important, but having and maintaining a recovery system that aids in transforming your body and increases your energy is a big secret weapon. Good post-workout ideas can benefit you and your results. Why Does Recovery…

The Frozen Way

How many times do you hear or say to yourself, “can’t have this food or that food?” How would you like to hear about one great easy thing that you can finally say, “I can have that!” And you should!…

Workout: Towel Time

What equipment comes to mind for a good workout? Weights, resistance bands, or weight machines all work, but what if you don’t have them? You may have an incredible piece of equipment sitting in the folded laundry. No expensive equipment…