How to Be Smart with Your Budget this Holiday Season

For many of us, the holiday season can be a stressful time and our budgets can become tighter than normal. Holiday travel, holiday meals, presents for friends and family; all on top of things you like to do for yourself. Well, do not stress this year. Here are some tips that can help save money and give your budget a new freedom.

Ditch the gym membership, Use Beachbody

How does a few extra bucks a month sound? Instead of throwing money at a gym membership that you cannot find the time to use each month, you can invest in a Beachbody program that will get you fit from the comfort of your own home. Beachbody has a wide array of programs that are cost efficient and can give you a powerful workout day in and day out for a one-time payment. Now that former gym membership monthly fee can be used more effectively during the holiday season and the rest of the year too!


Use Shakeology

Shakeology can help you be more budget friendly and trim your body into shape. For an average of about $4.00 per day, which is much cheaper than just about any meal, or cheaper than that special drink from your local coffee shop, you can get a healthy superfood packed shake. Saving a couple extra dollars a day may not sound like much, but it quickly adds up. Imagine having an extra $365.00 a year and giving your body a boost that will pay off as much as the financial savings.


Plan Your Meals

Time can also be at a premium during the holidays. Planning your meals ahead of time can be cost effective and allow you to be efficient with your time. Finding a program such as 21 Day Fix that gives you the outline to plan each meal of your day  creates a healthy nutritional balance while helping you save money on buying excess foods. This holiday season, try to think ahead about what you are going to put in your body, and reap the rewards both financially and nutritionally.


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