Sticking with a healthy diet can be tough when we have to travel, whether it be driving to work or flying to another state or even country. For many of us, it can be a real challenge to keep up with our meal planning unless we are physically at home preparing food in our kitchen. Fear not! By following these tips, you can stay healthy even when you are away from home.
Make The Decision To Eat Healthy
Fast food restaurants have realized that in order to stay relevant, they have to offer healthier food options. While on the road, make the decision to eat healthy. Skip the fries and opt for an apple or fruit bowl. Instead of the double patty hamburger choose a salad, which you can even add grilled chicken, if your diet plan allows.
Plan Ahead
Before getting to the airport or when you first arrive, look up nearby restaurants or restaurants with a drive-thru. Check the airport directory and choose a place that offers smart choices. Prior to getting on the road, use your GPS app and see what food choices are near your destination. Maybe you need to stop somewhere on the way or drive to the next exit. Preparedness is the key.
Use Your Resources
Use apps on your smart phone or the internet to look up menus and nutritional information. Track the food you are eating. It is best to bring your meals with your or if you are going to be staying at a hotel, stop at a grocery store nearby. If bringing your meals is not an option, at the very least, track everything you eat.
Work Out
Today, most hotels have gyms and the majority have at least some type of cardio equipment. Use it! If your hotel does not have a gym, bring your favorite workout dvd, pop it into your computer, and workout in your room. Travel with resistance bands or weights and workout in your room. There is usually a nearby gym see if you can use a day pass or pay for a one-time visit. When traveling to new and exciting places, ask the hotel staff about a local route that you could run/walk that is safe. This will allow you to get in your exercise but also take in some new sights and see the world.
Sure, traveling can make your healthy lifestyle commitment seem challenging but don’t make it harder on yourself by not making an effort to eat healthy while traveling. Make a plan and commit to sticking to it.