How Your Heart Numbers Stack Up

Healthy hearts are what we all need. There are ways to take some steps toward the prevention of heart issues. Once a year, be sure you get a checkup from a physician that will do bloodwork and a full physical. Then watch the numbers and tips that will help.


  • Use a heart-healthy diet. Check the blog Healthy Heart Foods for some insight.
  • Exercise 30min a day at least five times a week.
  • Know your family history.
  • Do not use tobacco products.
  • Manage your stress by using a form of reflection or meditation for 10-15min each day.

Numbers You Should Know

Blood Pressure
Have a goal of Less than 120/80mmHg

Body Mass Index BMI
Have a BMI with a goal of 18.5-24.9 percentage of body fat.

Other Numbers

  • Have your Blood sugar/glucose tested?
  • Get a readout on your Cholesterol and Triglycerides

Your physician will help you with this and it will be helpful to track your heart health yearly to prevent and detect any issues.

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