Saving money is a goal for many of us. Having extra cash for emergencies or for fun adventures is often on many minds. Money talk is often tough but necessary. How about a few tips to help in saving some money? The practice of these over time may help you!
5 Cash Tips for You
Shop after you eat!
How many times have you heard don’t go to the store hungry? It is in fact true! There are studies done that show that shoppers spend almost 64% more if they shop hungry. That includes even buying nonedible items too. Eat before you go!
Remove Stored Credit Card Info Online
Many online retail websites have spots to keep your credit card information to make it easier to order. Taking off that ease of delivery will require you to go get the credit card which is time to decide if the purchase is necessary or not.
Shop with Cash Back or Incentive Deals
Many banks have incentives that are available on debit card purchases. They can be deals for a small percentage back if you buy from select stores during certain dates. Some retail loccations have deals that promote shopping that is cheaper with their store cards or promotions that they have for customers. Review where you shop and bank for possible programs.
Carry New Crisp Bills
How much new money do you carry? Do you rush to get rid of those wrinkly bills? People that have that messy money reportedly spend more than two times the amount than new bills. This spending is on small things like gum, candy bars, coffee or small purchase that add up and up and up!
Avoid “Running In and Out” of the Store
Quick trips into the store and out are the known to be times that mindless spending happens the most. Take your time with a written list and breath as you get your steps in and control your spending. We could all learn something from this one!
Try one, or try them all, but try and save for that rainy day!