Snacking at the Office

Let’s be honest, you put in a lot of time at work. You, no doubt, make sure you have a breakfast as you run out the door and hopefully you grabbed that pre-made lunch you made while you were meal prepping on Sunday.  Maybe that doesn’t exactly work out, but there is still a good list of snacks that you can have at work to help you get through your day.


Many offices have refrigerators available for the associates. Sometimes these are located in a break room, and other times they are in your department. Or maybe you have your own little fridge, so you don’t have to write your name on your things and hope nobody takes it.  Find your cold spot and look to make space in your desk drawer for your new snack location. Get ready to stock up on some mid-day essentials.

Here’s a list of some healthy snack choices:


Veggies like broccoli, celery, radishes, peppers, and cucumbers are good ideas.

Hard-Boiled Eggs

Make these ahead of time, so you cover your whole week!

Single Servings of Cheese

You know those individual packs of cheese.


The “Good Fat” benefits you and can also be a great thing to spread on your crackers or whole wheat toast.


A great dip for the veggies or the crackers!

Whole-Grain Crackers

These are excellent to have around and can be eaten in moderation.


Unsalted Nuts

Mixed nuts are great to have on hand at work. You can also go with just your favorite too. The unsalted part is the important part.


Go for the low sugar fruits like raspberries, strawberries, apples, and blueberries.

Using a good list of healthy snacks is much better for you than that vending machine or a quick drive to the convenient store. Make a plan to set yourself up with some healthy office snacks.

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