Everyone says I want more willpower. “I want the willpower to eat better” or “I want the willpower to stick to my nutrition plan.” If only self-control was that easy.
In a recent research poll, willpower or “a lack of willpower” was ranked the number 1 reason adults had not made the lifestyle changes they wanted to. How many people have sworn off fast foods, or bread, or soda? How long does that usually last?
The Fall of Willpower
Consider the fact that willpower is similar to a muscle. You can definitely deepen your willpower, but it can only take so much. All day long you come up against people and things that test you. With social media, you can see pictures 24/7 of those same things you are trying to avoid. That creates a test for most.
Food alone is not the only thing you use willpower for in your days. Often, we balance willpower with thoughts of making purchases at the clothing store or buying those great new shoes. There are even times when you have to decide about going to the gym when you receive an invitation to the movies or going out. When we choose wrong, we feel terrible. We have self-doubt, we are negative, we lack motivation, and many people believe they lack the discipline and determination to reach their goals.
Use Your Power
Focusing too much on what we can’t have (those potato chips) or what we can’t do (like binge-watch Netflix when we should be at the gym). Too many restrictions can increase the prompt for those “can’t do” things. Instead, release some of the strictness and concentrate on what you can have. Setting good habits that give you positive feelings about what you are doing is the better plan. Willpower is obsessive, and we put too much pressure on the act of willpower to save us. Use your own abilities to make good educated choices, and willpower will fit right in.
We put way too much stock in willpower with all the temptations around us. Make your smart choices, and you will be much happier!