Why Is Body Beast Effective

I know that you see a lot of my posts on Facebook about the success I have had with different Beachbody Programs like P90x, P90x3, and many others. There is one one program that has made a tremendous different in my fitness journey. That particular program is Body Beast. The success I have had with Body Beast is incredible and has become a cornerstone in my fitness success. You will see in the picture below that the success with Body Beast.

Early In My Fitness Career & Before Body Beast

After Completing Body Beast

While most of the Beachbody programs tend to focus strongly on cardio and core strengthening, Body Beast is aimed at muscle gain. The Body Beast program targets adding muscle mass and is different than any other program out there. In 4 months I gained 30 pounds in muscle! Though results vary, in just 90 days of closely following the Body Beast DVD workout you can pack on roughly 20 pounds of bulk muscle by the time you’re finished.

World renowned Sagi Kalev, Body Beast creator and trainer says “The purpose of Body Beast is to gain lean muscle mass, to also gain size and to gain confidence,” Kalev explains that “The main thing about Body Beast is how to get bigger.” Kalev is a fitness superstar. He has won the “Mr. Israel” bodybuilding competition twice and is considered to be an expert in the field of bodybuilding.

Body Beast provides you with a detailed weight lifting program AND an easy to follow nutritional plan designed to help you get lean and ripped. “A lot of people just go to the gym and they don’t have a clue what to do,” says Kalev. “The Beast gets results because it’s all in front of you: the workouts, the tracking, everything. If you’re wondering ‘What supplements do I take?’ or ‘What should I eat?’ — it’s all lined up for you in the book.That’s why this program is one of a kind. There is no guessing.”

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The eating plan in the Book of the Beast manual is based on proven bodybuilding dieting systems. Like the workouts, it is split into three distinct phases, designed for strength development, rapid muscle growth (“bulking”), and efficient fat loss (“cutting”). The manual will walk you through how to determine what calorie group you land it to get your daily calorie consumption. Based on that you will add or deduct calories to get lean and bulk up. From there you will know how many portions of protein, starches, legumes, veggies, fruits, and fats to eat each day.

The book has a food list that matches up what food item represents each portion. Once you get the meals down stick with eating those frequently to make it easier on yourself. I also cook in bulk too so that I can freeze meals or put them in containers. It makes it really easy to put together meals.

There are three phases –Build, Bulk and Beast. In each phase, you work out six days a week and are off one for rest. Body Beast is definitely going to push your body. Be prepared for an intense workout that consists of lifting while focusing on specific muscle groups with minimal rest. Body Beast is a true at-home bodybuilding system 100% focused on building quality muscle mass with little or no body fat increase.

It is designed to build extreme muscle using Dynamic Set Training to melt fat away and define your whole body. The program uses a special technique that is really a breakthrough in sport science. Pre-exhaustion is a powerful method that provides just enough stimulation to increase muscle size without going overboard with extremely heavy weights or very high sets/volume. Because rest periods are kept short in Body Beast you’ll be getting close to the “muscle failure” point in the last set or two, which is ideal.

You will need to invest in some home workout equipment. But it’s not extreme and most can be found affordable online:

  • Adjustable bench (you can also use a blow up exercise ball for modified moves)
  • Pull up bar (door frame models are fine) and pull up assist bands if necessary
  • EZ curl bar (optional but recommended)
  • Dumbbell pairs of varying sizes or a single set of easily adjustable “smart” dumbbells (you will want some decent weight variations)

Body Beast is also a great program for women too. As for beginners this is a great workout as well. You are provided with a great foundation of knowledge and techniques in bodybuilding. You also get the person doing the modified moves with limited equipment which a lot of beginners might appreciate.

So what makes this program so effective? Well, everything is laid out for you step-by-step, from the workouts to the meals to the supplements. It allows anyone to get a gym-quality muscle building workout from home — without actually going to the gym. It utilizes several powerful techniques used by professional bodybuilders. This is old school weight lifting at its best. It also incorporates some innovative tactics developed by Sagi Kalev. If you’re looking to bulk up, this program makes it so easy that all you have to do is just press play and follow the steps.

Start Body Beast Today!

Plus Get Me As Your Coach!

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