Your Flour Choices


As you venture into different recipes on Pinterest and Instagram, you probably see more and more different flour types needed for your healthy cooking.

There are many kinds of flour, and some have unusual names.

Here are a few:

Tiger Nut Flour

Tiger nuts from Africa. They are a small root vegetable high in resistant starch, which is a slow-digesting kind of fiber.

Tiger nut flour is sweet and grainy, which is perfect for several kinds of cookie recipes. People often substitute it with white flour.

Chickpea Flour

Ground chickpeas (also known as garbanzo beans) have five times the fiber and fewer carbs than white flour.

Chickpea flour is used in chocolate recipes because it has a chickpea taste. You may also see it in pumpkin spice recipes.

Cassava Flour

Cassava flour comes from the cassava plant, a staple crop in South America and parts of Asia and Africa. The plant produces cassava root (known as yuca also). The cassava root is peeled, dried, and ground to make flour.

Cassava flour is higher in carbohydrates than traditional wheat flour and is naturally gluten-free and rich in fiber. It also has a very neutral flavor and soft consistency.

Einkorn Flour

Einkorn is an ancient grain packed with 30% more protein and 15% less starch than commercial wheat.

Einkorn flour has a nutty flavor. You will see recipes for pancakes and muffins with this type.


You will also see Almond Flour, Coconut Flour, Oat Flour, and Whole Wheat Flour.

Try a new one?

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