Category General

Who Does a Wall Workout?

If you have a wall you have a way to get a workout in! There are many different variations of exercises that can be done using a wall. You do not always need an extensive amount of room or a…

Super Snacks that Burn Fat

Snacking is a part of the day for most people. A lot of times this happens at work or after school for kids. Instead of heading to the vending machine it would be cost-effective and beneficial to you if you…

The Grocery Shopping Choices

Finding the best places to shop is essential to many people. Sometimes we do a one-stop-shop and get everything at a single location. It is in our interest to have information about where we can go for the best prices.…

Pet Safety in the Heat

Higher temperatures are rough on the family and that includes our four-legged friends.  These weather hazard times are hard on our pups and we need to be sure to help them survive the heat. Here are a few ways to…

Self-Care for You

Do you ever do something for yourself? Self-care is most likely the thing you are neglecting. Many people forget to do this. You are not alone. If you are not taking care of yourself, then it is hard for you…

Brain Freeze 411

Have you ever chugged a bottle of ice-cold water, gulped a Slurpee or Icee, had a popsicle real fast, or quickly ate a bowl of ice cream and BAM you have a brain freeze? The scientific term is sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia.…

Migraine Away Eating

Migraines are painful, and not what anyone wants to have to happen. Some of them last a few hours while others last for days. The pounding of the head is no favorite, but there may be a way to reduce…


Apricots are like a great blend of both plum and peach. You get the sweetness and the tartness with this amazing fruit that is only 17 calories.  The apricot is full of beta-carotene and fiber packs a punch of antioxidants…

Yoga Can Do What?

Many people say that yoga is not their thing. There is no way they are going to give yoga a chance. Often the same people have never even tried yoga and have no idea what they are missing out on.…