Category Mom Tips


Discover something new at the grocery store. Look for the kohlrabi! You will find it in some produce sections. This crazy looking root veggie is a cross between a cabbage and a turnip. Other people include descriptions as radish or…

Plate these Power Foods

How about another round of power foods to put on your plate to help you with your health and fitness journey? More good stuff that will satisfy your hunger and benefit your body. That’s right five more foods that you…

Cheese Please

Cheese talk happens a lot in houses. Kids love cheese, foodies love cheese, families love cheese, but did you know that there are health benefits to eating cheese. In fact, your more common types of cheese might surprise you. Cheddar…

Sugar Surprises

A whole lot of people are saying that they want to eat less sugar. More than half of Americans have said this. Do you think they did? Saying you want to eat less sugar is easier than following through and…

Brain Freeze 411

Have you ever chugged a bottle of ice-cold water, gulped a Slurpee or Icee, had a popsicle real fast, or quickly ate a bowl of ice cream and BAM you have a brain freeze? The scientific term is sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia.…

Migraine Away Eating

Migraines are painful, and not what anyone wants to have to happen. Some of them last a few hours while others last for days. The pounding of the head is no favorite, but there may be a way to reduce…


Apricots are like a great blend of both plum and peach. You get the sweetness and the tartness with this amazing fruit that is only 17 calories.  The apricot is full of beta-carotene and fiber packs a punch of antioxidants…

Healthy Heart Foods

Is there a way to eat healthy for your heart? There are foods that can be eaten that will help with your heart health. Many of these foods you may be eating now, but you will begin to understand why…

Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen 2019

The Environmental Working Group is known to be responsible by creating the list of the most contaminated produce with pesticide residue. Knowing what is on the list each year is helpful to shoppers who seek fruits and vegetables and are…