Category Fitness

Get Your Squat On!

Looking to build up those leg muscles? Squats are the way to go!  Squats increase your quadricep, hamstring, and calf muscles, and have also been credited to improve the muscles in your entire body. They are a great beginner exercise…

Eating Right on a Budget

Eating clean is ideal for many of us, but sometimes buying everything fresh and organic also seems expensive and can burst our budget.  Trips to the grocery store can be nerve wrecking and add unwarranted stress in our lives. Planning…

MILK: A Food for Muscles

Milk is often a staple in our fridges. But other than pairing nicely with cereal, the occasional cookie or just a nice tall glass on its own, the real question is: Do we know why we are drinking it? Do…

Spring Break Tips

Ready or not, the countdown to spring break has begun. Here are some tips to help you prepare for spring break. Skin Care Be sure to use sunscreen, wear sunglasses, or use a hat to shield yourself from harmful UV…

What’s Your Favorite Workout??

What’s YOUR favorite kind of workout? For me, it’s MMA Conditioning Circuits. Lately I’ve been doing 30 minute sessions consisting of twenty 1 minute rounds with 30 seconds of recovery in-between rounds. Today’s results were my highest for average heart…