Category General

How to Face the Cold Weather Head On

The winter season can be wonderfully beautiful and bring lots of joy through holidays and family gatherings. It can also bring complications to our exercise routine and eating habits causing us to veer off track. You can break through these…

Bulking Up with Salads

For years, salads have been the go to meal for those trying to trim up and shed pounds. While salads are not automatically healthy, they can have major benefits in body transformation.  Salads are not only for dropping weight; they…

Hidden Powers of Pumpkin

Fall is here! As we ready ourselves for all the treats that are in store for us this Halloween season, it is easy to lose sight of some of our fitness and health goals. Office parties and taking the kids…

Winning The Battle Against Fatigue

If we are consistently following our exercise routine, our body may start to develop some level of fatigue. This is normal. But if our body is not recovering after a good night’s sleep and normal fatigue turns into daily fatigue,…